1. Top
  2. Investor Relations
  3. Disclaimer


Use of IR Information

The IR information available on this website is intended to provide information regarding DVx Inc. (hereafter, the “Company”), including financial status and management indices. No statement or guarantee is made with regards to the content.

Provision of the information on this website is not intended as a solicitation to invest.

When making a decision to invest, please refrain from relying entirely on the information available on this website. Investors should use their own judgment when making any investment decision.

Regarding the Information

While the Company takes great care regarding the information provided on this website, the Company will bear no responsibility, for any reason, for damages arising from errors in the information, alteration of data by third parties, or downloading of that data.

Forward Looking Statements

Some of the information on this website may include statements regarding the future performance of the Company.

These statements are not a guarantee of future performance, and contain risks and uncertainties.

Please keep in mind that, depending on changes in conditions, etc., future performance may differ from actual results.

Website Operation

Operation of this website may be interrupted or suspended, or the content changed, without prior notice.

Depending on the telecommunication environment, personal computer settings, or for other reasons, some users may have difficulty using this site.

Note that the Company will bear no responsibility for problems or losses arising from such issues.